Bluebird Update May 24, 2012

The female bluebird peeks out of the nest hole to see who’s approaching (Butterfly House – 5/22/12).

There has been very little change since the last Bluebird Update. There are still 4 eggs in the nest at the Train Tunnel (and it’s still dry). There are 6 eggs in the wren nest next to the Take Off in Catch the Wind, as there was last week. And there are still three empty nests. The Sailboat Pond nest box, the Amphimeadow nest box (which will probably have to be moved due to the extensive human activity at the site), and the nest box next to the Picnic Dome still have no occupants, or even the beginnings of a new nest within them.

The only notable change in status is that of the Butterfly House nest which now has a new clutch of eggs. I don’t know how many eggs, as the female (above) decided to sit tight when I approached and didn’t flush as is typical. She is obviously sitting on eggs and I didn’t want to disturb her any further than I already had, so I just took the photo above and let her be.

So, we currently have 4 plus bluebird eggs being incubated, four at the Train Tunnel and an unknown quantity in the Butterfly House nest box. One nest box contains 6 House Wren eggs (they should be hatching any day, any minute!). And there are three empty nests.

See you next week!

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