It’s bluebird time again. I cleaned our six nest boxes last week (3/10), getting them ready for the birds to move in. With the weather as nice as it is today (expected to get well into the 80s) it actually felt like nesting season as I went around checking the nest boxes. My hopes were high as I peeked into the first nest box. The Train Tunnel nest box showed no sign of occupancy, no pine needles laid out onRead more
Posts tagged: #bluebird nest box
Bluebird Update 6/25/13
The season is coming to and end. All we have active at this time are two nest boxes, one at the Cow Pasture near the Train Tunnel and the other at the Butterfly House. Each nest contains five nestlings. All other nest boxes have been cleaned and readied for use but I’m afraid they won’t see any more activity until next spring, except perhaps as night time roosts. The Cow Pasture birds will probably still be in the nest nextRead more
Bluebird Update 6.18.13
While the drive to reproduced has slowed, there is still some activity in some of our bird nest boxes. Four of our six nest boxes are empty, but life is just beginning in two of those boxes. Three weeks ago the Cow Pasture nest was empty. Two weeks ago the nest had two bluebird eggs within. One week ago it held five eggs. When I opened the nest box this week (6/18) I expected to find five bobble-headed bluebird nestlings.Read more
Bluebird Update 6/11/13
I was a bit apprehensive as I started my nest box inspections this week. Last Friday we had a day of very heavy rain and thunderstorms and I wasn’t sure of what to expect when I opened the nest boxes. Some areas received five plus inches of rain! I had also been told by Ranger Rock that, out of curiosity, he had looked inside the nest box next to the Bungee Jump on Saturday morning and had found three deadRead more
Bluebird Update May 24, 2012
There has been very little change since the last Bluebird Update. There are still 4 eggs in the nest at the Train Tunnel (and it’s still dry). There are 6 eggs in the wren nest next to the Take Off in Catch the Wind, as there was last week. And there are still three empty nests. The Sailboat Pond nest box, the Amphimeadow nest box (which will probably have to be moved due to the extensive human activity at theRead more
Family of Bluebirds
Ever since bluebird nest boxes were installed earlier this year in Catch the Wind, I’ve seen Carolina Chickadees, House Wrens, Brown-headed Nuthatches, and yes, the intended species, bluebirds, using the boxes. All of those species were observed building nests in the boxes, most laid eggs, and some were seen carrying food into the boxes and/or carrying out fecal sacs, a sure sign that there is young within. I may have missed some nest box activity. Birds don’t wait for meRead more
Bluebird Update
Immediately after posting “Bluebird Boxes” I went out to Catch the Wind and this is what I saw! Both the male and female had several peeks inside the boxes. It’s still uncertain, however, whether or not they will choose to use this particular box. But, two of the other boxes are being very carefully inspected by chickadees, it may be too late for the bluebirds to move into those. Wait till the House Wrens arrive! As before, I will keep youRead more