Yellow-crowned Night Heron in Wetlands

A Yellow-crowned Night Heron was seen on the snag in the center of the Wetlands on Friday (5/27/11). To my knowledge this the first heron of this species seen at the Museum. It was probably on migration and was brought down by the severe thunderstorms of the day.

A Black-crowned Night Heron in immature plumage was seen in the Wetlands in May of 2008 and was in the area for a couple of days.

I would have gotten a photo of the yellow-crowned but it was very wet and, more importantly, a bolt of lightning struck directly behind us while we (Kristin, Sara, and three Museum Guests) watched the bird. Needless to say, we all scurried for cover.

4 responses to Yellow-crowned Night Heron in Wetlands

  1. Nathan says:

    I’ve heard this has been a very good year for YCNHs in the triangle. They’re apparently all over the waterfowl impoundments in Chapel Hill and southern Durham.

    • Greg Dodge says:

      The one that you saw was a Black-crowned Night Heron, the same one mentioned in the Journal.

  2. sherry says:

    Hey Greg,
    I am pretty sure I saw a y-c night heron before- center island, a couple years ago. I took a picture. I was so amazed this big bird I had never seen before. My photo looked like a dot, otherwise I would share.

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