Wormsnake Ahead

Top Photo: Eastern wormsnake (Carphophis amoenus) making its way slowly across path.

While walking past the Lemur Exhibit in Explore the Wild, someone ahead exclaimed, “Is that a snake?” I rushed over to where a small group of people had gathered to see if it was indeed a snake. It was, without a doubt, a snake.

There on the path was an adult wormsnake wriggling slowly towards the far side of the path, its brown and pink scales glistening in the low sunlight.

Heading across path at slow speed.

Worm snakes max out at about 13” and this one was near the limit. Their coloration varies from gray to black or brown on the upper surface and white to pink on their bellies.

Can have brown to black dorsum and white to pink ventrum.

Worm snakes can be found anywhere there are earthworms, their main diet. They spent a great deal of time underground, but look under logs or discarded lumber, you may surprise one.

A slow but steady pace.

The temperatures were in the fifties on the morning this snake was spotted. As a result, the reptile was only sluggishly moving along. It’s not uncommon to see a wormsnake at this time of year but I think they’ll all be underground soon.

Tiny eyes and small smooth head built for burrowing.

Stay alert for these pleasant, gentle snakes.

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