What’s up in the Wild

Here’s a little of what’s going on in the Wild at the Museum…a caterpillar.

An Eastern Tiger Swallowtaill caterpillar’s “eyes” are meant to scare, not stare (Catch the Wind).

A damselfly.

A Southern Spreadwing Damselfly. Notice how the wings are held out to the side, spread out (Wetlands).

An assassin bug.

A Wheel Bug nymph (on bungee, left side) wears a warning on its abdomen, “Don’t touch me!” As adults, a bite, or rather a poke, with their proboscis can be painful (Animal Department Gator).

A nest-building bird.

Mourning Dove nest under construction. Bird is on the left, nest on the right, “Can you see me?” (Wetlands)

A morphing frog.

Looking more like a salamander or lizard, this creature is about to become a bullfrog (Wetlands).

A tree frog who thinks it can’t be seen.

This Gray Tree Frog should stick with the trees, its camouflage doesn’t work well on Rice Paper Plant leaves (Dino Trail).

And, a bird with a frog.

Jabbing at something in the water, this green heron hopes to hit pay-dirt (Wetlands).
A closer look reveals a partial tail on this little frog. It will never make the transition to full adult.

And that’s some of what I’ve been seeing. How about you?

4 responses to What’s up in the Wild

  1. jessa says:

    I just saw exactly the same of this caterpillar’s picture.. it’s really scary looking this very unique caterpillar. it’s just like he’s staring at you.

    • Greg Dodge says:

      Yes, apparently these false eyes are meant to scare away potential predators.

  2. Richard says:

    Great shot of the damselfly! I can’t seem to get a decent photo of these smaller ones!

    • Greg Dodge says:

      Thanks, the photo was enlarged a bit before publishing.

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