Nest Box Update 5.31.17

We are currently hosting two house wren pairs. One is located at the Cow Pasture nest box (6 eggs), the other lives at the site of the old Bungee Jump (5 nestlings).

The nest box at the Cow Pasture contains 6 house wren eggs. There were 6 eggs in the nest last week. And, I didn’t see an adult fly from the box this week. Incubation should be in progress. Have the birds abandoned the nest for some reason? The further along a nest is, the more committed the adults become, so I’m not convinced it has been abandoned. Wait and see, wait and see.


Six eggs at Cow Pasture (5.31.17).

The nest box on the service road in Explore the Wild remains empty.

There are 5 house wren nestlings in the nest box at the old Bungee Jump site in Catch the Wind.

I count 5 nestlings with mouths agape at the Bungee nest box (5.31.17).

The nest box at Into the Mist is still vacant.

No activity at the Woodlands Classroom nest box.

And lastly, the nest box at the Butterfly House is unoccupied. Although there’s a wren nest in the box there has been no further activity in this nest box for four weeks.

We are left with two house wren nests, one with 6 eggs and one with 5 nestlings. All of the other nest boxes are empty.

Will the bluebirds, who have only fledged three nestlings this season, have a second brood?

As always, we’ll have to wait and see.

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