
Although spring peepers and upland chorus frogs, and the occasional low croaking call of a pickerel frog, have been calling off and on for several weeks now, they are in full force at this time.

Today, I was able to get a handful of photos of pickerel frogs and one shot of a bullfrog. The other two species, the tiny peepers and chorus frogs, proved elusive.

Here they are.


The first pickerel frog I spotted this season (3/11/15).
The first pickerel frog I spotted this season (3/11/15).


Just a few feet away was this more colorful individual (3/11/15).
Just a few feet away was this more colorful individual (3/11/15).


And equally nearby was this pickerel frog (3/11/15).
And equally nearby was this pickerel frog (3/11/15).


Not yet singing, this bullfrog rests on a log about two meters from shore (3/11/15).
Not yet singing, this bullfrog rests on a log about two meters from shore (3/11/15).


Come on out a see how many frogs you can spot, or at least hear, in the Wetlands.





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