Female Red Wolf 1794’s First Steps

The level of anticipation was high as Museum staff collected around the Red Wolf Enclosure. The word had gone out that female red wolf 1794 was about to be released into the enclosure with her new companion 1784 who, himself, had been released only six days prior.


Museum staff gather around the red wolf overlook to get a peek at the new female wolf.
Museum staff gather around the red wolf overlook to get a peek at the new female wolf.


The male red wolf was also anxious, pacing back and forth, looking at his new mate through the kennel’s chain link fence. He, no doubt, wondering why all of we humans were standing in front of him doing the same thing, watching for the female. There were plenty of opportunities for photos of the male as he wandered around excitedly.


The male too, knew that there was something about to happen.
The male too, knew that there was something about to happen.


Keeper Jessi gets a few shots of the male as he anxiously paces.
Keeper Jessi gets a few shots of the male as he anxiously paces and sniffs.


Animal Department Director Sherry opened the gate. Slowly and cautiously the female stepped out into the enclosure, pensively sniffing her way through the trees.


A cautious 1794 makes her way through her new home.
A cautious 1794 makes her way through her new home.


The male tried on several occasions to lead her away, but she would have no part of it, she wanted to explore her new home, “then maybe we’ll get aquatinted.”


The male (left) turns away as the female denies him access.
The male (left) turns away as the female denies him access.


Female 1794 peers out from a wax myrtle.
Female 1794 peers out from a wax myrtle.


There should be little trouble telling these two wolves from one another. Although both are similar in size their pelage is quite different. One sure characteristic of the female which should cause no confusion is her very gray face.


A gray face should help you easily differentiate the male from the female (pictured).
A gray face should help you easily differentiate the male from the female (pictured). Also, note the white tipped ears.


Compare with the male below.


A handsome wolf, for sure.
A handsome wolf, for sure.


You will surely be seeing updates on the progress of these two wolves. Keep an eye on the Animal Department’s blog for the latest.

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