Last week, I had predicted that there would be a completed nest and at least two eggs in the nest at the Amphimeadow. I also stated that I tend to be wrong in my predictions. The trend continues. There has been no further nest material added to the nest at the Amphimeadow, and of course, there are no eggs in the nest.
Although there are three empty nest boxes, there has been activity in two of the boxes. One nest is dormant, untouched since the last inspection.
The Cow Pasture nest box which had been empty with no nest material at all, now has a completed bluebird nest within.
The nest box next to the Bungee Jump (Take Off) remains empty with no nest material.
The Sailboat Pond nest box is empty.
The Amphimeadow nest box showed promise last week but has not been added to.
The Woodland nest box which had the makings of a house wren nest has been cleaned out due to inactivity.
Conversely, the house wren that had been working on the nest at the Butterfly House nest box has stuffed the box to overflowing with twigs. I couldn’t get a photo of the inside without causing damage to the nest so I don’t know whether there are eggs in the nest or not. I did not have a smart phone with me at the time, which can usually be snuck in over top of the nest, so we’ll have to wait till next week to see just what’s inside the nest.
So, there you have it, four inactive and two active nest boxes. One of the nests belongs to house wrens (Butterfly House) and the other bluebirds (Cow Pasture).
I will make no predictions as to what will happen next. I’ll leave that entirely up to the birds.
Ranger, Greg Dodge