Bluebird Update 5.12.15

One nest has fledged its young, one nest will probably fledge its inhabitants this week, two nests may have to wait another week before fledging its occupants, one nest still has unhatched eggs, and one nest remains empty with no activity.

The nest box at the Cow Pasture has four growing bluebirds. I’d been told a black rat snake had been seen the day before, moving in the direction of the nest box. I was apprehensive, yet confident the birds would be alright. I’d installed a predator guard on this and two other nest boxes and have had no trouble with “missing” nestlings since. However, anything can happen. Although optimistic, I always approach the nest boxes with the knowledge that I may be greeted by a large black snake as I open the door. But not this time!


Four healthy bluebirds nestlings. Will they fledge by next week? (Cow Pasture - 5/12/15)
Four healthy bluebird nestlings. Will they fledge by next week? (Cow Pasture – 5/12/15)


The nest box next to the Bungee Jump (Take Off) was empty. This is a good thing. The four chickadees that were in the nest had fledged, probably off learning the ways of the chickadee from mom.

The nest box at the Sailboat Pond was also empty. Four weeks ago the nest had five eggs. A house wren removed the eggs and it has been empty since.


The Bungee nest (left) has fledged four. The nest box behind the Sailboat has yet to produce (5/12/15).
The Bungee nest (left) has fledged four. The nest box behind the Sailboat Pond (right) has yet to produce (5/12/15).


The nest box at the Amphimeadow has four bluebirds whose wing and tail feathers are approaching flight readiness status “GO.” I’d be surprised if they were still in the nest box next week.


This may be the last picture of these birds from this nest box (Amphimeadow - 5/12/15).
This may be the last picture of these birds from this nest box (Amphimeadow – 5/12/15).


House wrens are busy birds. They don’t seem to sit still for too long. The wrens that have taken up residency in the nest box at the Picnic Dome are no exception. I had not seen either male or female at the nest box, until this morning (5/12) that is. I had peeked into their nest, taken a photo of their eggs, closed the nest box and walked away, when in flew the female. I wasn’t quick enough with the camera to get a photo before she retreated into the nest, presumably to incubate the eggs. I waited a few minutes. She didn’t reappear. So I left.


These eggs should hatch this week (Picnic Dome - 5/12/15).
These eggs should hatch this week (Picnic Dome – 5/12/15).


Finally, the butterfly House nest box and its bluebirds. The four nestlings in the nest box look healthy but don’t appear quite ready to leave. They may be here for next week’s nest box inspection.


Growing, but no quite ready to leave their home (Butterfly House - 5/12/15).
Growing, but not quite ready to leave their home (Butterfly House – 5/12/15).


So, again, we have had four chickadees take flight, leaving behind an empty nest box at the Bungee Jump. There is one unused nest box at the Sailboat Pond. Three nests are occupied by bluebirds, four nestlings each. One of the previous should be empty by next week (Amphimeadow). One nest box (Picnic Dome) has six house wren eggs which should hatch very soon, sometime this week.

See you then!


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