If you’ve been down to the Wetlands within the last several months you may have seen a great blue heron (GBH) standing by a rock (boulder) out in the water some eighty or ninety feet from the Main Wetlands Overlook. You would have been looking at our current resident GBH. I say current resident because I don’t know if it’s the same heron that I’ve been seeing, just about daily, for nearly seven years now. Without physically markingRead more
Posts tagged: #turtle
Stacked and Happy
The two sliders were just off the Main Wetlands Overlook. One might think from their situation that space was limited on the log that they chose to perch upon. There were no other turtles present.Read more
Spring Happenings
Happenings over the past few weeks have been a bit overwhelming. Insects that have been held back from emergence by cooler than normal temperatures are doing so now, snakes and other reptiles have been performing their springtime rituals, neotropical migrants are moving through, and local nesters are doing just that, nesting. Some have already fledged their first broods. It’s been difficult for me to keep up with all of the biological happenings in terms of posting them to this Journal. That beingRead more
Out and About
Among other creatures out and about this past week were a late season dragonfly, basking turtles, basking bullfrogs, and basking mergansers. And finally… There’s much going on out in the Wild, come on out and see what you can find. Read more
I’m excited, are you?
Mourning Cloaks, Groundhogs, more turtles, a bullfrog, and finally, Pickerel Frogs! Are you ready for some pictures? The cloak… The hog… The turtles… A bullfrog… And the Pickerel Frogs, lots of them… Sorry for getting carried away with the Pickerel Frogs, I’ve been waiting so long for them and at last, they’re here! I heard at least one Southern Leopard Frog today (3/13) but was not able to locate it in order take its portrait, maybe tomorrow. Enjoy!Read more
Who’s out and about?
Some turtles… Read about Chip here. A Mallard… A squirrel… A land bird… And speaking of fox… And that’s it! Stay tuned, more to come.Read more
More pictures of things that are out and about.
What’s out and about, you say? Here’s a few things that you might see out in Explore the Wild and Catch the Wind on a walk around the loop. And finally, look who showed up! Was this the same Great Egret that stayed with us for several months last winter? See you next time! Read more