
Top Photo: Wetlands with ice and a sprinkling of snow. When it snows here in the Piedmont, it’s always a rush to get out to photograph the uniqueness of the event. It doesn’t snow often and when it does the snow is usually gone within a day or two. Sometimes it’s gone within hours. Snows here are short and sweet. Here’s some photos from this morning (Saturday 1/29/22) before it all disappeared. And finally, three dinosaurs. Enjoy it while itRead more

Snow Day

Top Photo: As the snow begins to melt in the wetlands. Snow days are short-lived here on the Carolina Piedmont. You’d better get outside quick and take in the snow before it’s gone, literally melts away. Here’s a handful of shots from this morning moments before evanescence. Till next time…Read more


It doesn’t snow often in our locale (Central North Carolina). And, when it does, it melts quickly. You better get out and enjoy it while it lasts. In case you missed it, I took some photos for you. (all photos 2.21.20) See you next time!Read more

Last Chance to Get Out and Enjoy the Cold

In a day or two all of this coldness will be behind us. What little bit of snow we had will be forgotten too, a faded memory. So, if you like the cold you should get outside now and enjoy it. While you’re out there, check any remaining patches of snow for animal tracks, see who’s been wandering around the neighborhood while you’ve been warm and cozy inside. Go out and see what you can find. Every track tells aRead more

Ice and Snow

    What will tomorrow bring? Here’s what it brought, more ice and snow! We hope the snow will be all gone by tomorrow. A few small patches may remain, where the sun doesn’t shine so brightly, but melt it will. Till next time, snow!Read more

Snow – Geese

  The water in the Wetlands, after several days of temps above freezing, has thawed a bit. A section of the pond on the far side of the Wetlands is open. Our two visiting geese, who have been absent since the beginning of last week due to the complete freeze up of the Wetlands at the time, are back. They must have flown over, spotted the open water and dropped in. Snowing as it is this morning (unexpectedly snowing), aRead more

Cold Outside

  That’s right, it’s cold outside. It’s been in the teens most of the day (2/19) with single digits forecast for tonight and early tomorrow.     You can always go out and see who or what has been leaving tracks in the snow.             Don’t let the cold keep you from enjoying the out-of-doors. Of course, dress warmly, but don’t let lack of heat stop you from doing what you want to do. Oh,Read more


On Friday last, the sun was shining brightly, the temperature was in the sixties, geese were peacefully tipping up, and aquatic turtles were basking in the warmth of the day. It was a delightful day. The following morning, cold rain and snow! What a difference a day makes.  Read more