Nest Box Update 5.23.23

Top Photo: Eastern bluebird eggs.

We have three active nests, at least in part. There are four nestlings in one nest, four eggs in another, and nesting material added to another nest.


The Cow Pasture nest appears to have four nestlings. They’re house wrens. Last week I could clearly see four house wren eggs and it appears there are four nestlings piled atop one another now. It’s difficult to see them all, but I’ll check the nest again later to make sure it’s accurate.


Do you see four nestlings in Cow Pasture nest (5.23.23).

The Explore the Wild and Into the Mist nests are both vacant. The Explore the Wild nest has already fledged five chickadees. The Into the Mist nest box hasn’t attracted any birds this season.

The Parking Deck East nest box now has three objects in its otherwise empty berry basket. Last week it held one single twig, no doubt placed in the nest box by a house wren. Now, there are two twigs and what looks like a blade of grass. I’m still confident it’s all been placed there by a house wren. Whether or not the nest is completed and the female lays eggs, we’ll have to wait and see.

Three pieces of nest material in nest box on east side of parking deck (5.23.23).

The Parking Deck West nest box contains four eastern bluebird eggs.

Four eastern bluebird eggs at Parking Deck West (5.23.23).

The Butterfly House nest box is empty and waiting a second brood. It fledged four chickadees over four weeks ago.


We have three empty nest boxes and three active nests. One has four house wren nestlings (Cow Pasture). One has four bluebird eggs (Parking Deck West). And one contains just a hint of a nest with a few twigs and a grass stem inside the box (Parking Deck East).

Stay tuned for more action.

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