Nest Box Update 3.5.24

Top Photo: Eastern bluebird eggs from previous season.

We have one active nest with a new addition from the previous week. There has been no activity in any of the other 5 nest boxes.

The Cow Pasture, Explore the Wild, and Into the Mist nest boxes are all empty, no nest material and no sign of interested birds in the area as each nest box was opened and inspected this morning.

The Parking Deck East nest box had one addition placed within its cedar walls, likely this morning, a bluebird egg.

One bluebird egg in Parking Deck East nest box.

The Parking Deck West and the Butterfly House nest boxes both remain untouched.

So, on the third week of nest box inspections we have one active nest (e. bluebird) with 1 egg in the nest.

Will the birds (bluebirds and chickadees) begin nests in any of the other nest boxes along our modest bluebird trail? Chickadees are already nesting in other campus locations. Will they use our nest boxes this year?

For the answer to those compelling questions and more, tune in next week for another Nest Box Update!

Carolina Chickadee at entrance to nest in dead loblolly pine off boardwalk leading into the wetlands.

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