A Ground Skink’s presence is most often betrayed by a rustle in the leaves as the unseen lizard scurries away, leaving the passerby scratching his or her head wondering what made the noise. The skink in the photo on the left was basking in the sun. It must have been enjoying itself too much to give way to the big bipedal intruder clomping down the path, me. As you can see, I was able to get a photo of it before it finally had its fill of me gawking at it and hightailed it into the grass. They can move swiftly.
A young, and very small, Eastern Narrowmouth Toad was seen hopping across the paved path in front of the Ornithopter on the 17th of the month. It was the first of this species that I’d ever seen. Adult Narrowmouth Toads only get to be about 1”-1.5” in length (see Explore the Wild Journal, June 1-15, 2008). This individual was so small it could sit on a dime without covering FDR’s head.
On September 20 there was a newly hatched Yellow-bellied Turtle in the Wetlands. Apparently, not all of the eggs laid by the adults earlier in the season had been dug up by Raccoons (see Explore the Wild Journal, June 1-15, 2008). I only saw one of these little turtles, but there has to be more; Yellow-bellied Turtles lay about ten eggs per nest. Keep a sharp eye out for them in the Wetlands.
Following the heavy rains during the fourth week of the month, the turtles in the Wetlands were out in force soaking up the sun on every available perch. An Eastern Musk Turtle (Stinkpot) even joined in the fun, climbing out onto the trunk of a Willow in the Wetlands (see Eastern Musk Turtle, Explore the Wild Journal, August 1-15, 2008).