Bluebird Update 5.17.16

We currently have four nest boxes which have nest material within (pine straw, grass, twigs, etc.). One is the work of a bluebird, the other three house wrens. Only one of the house wren nests appear to be active. Two others are not complete after having been started weeks ago. Two of the nest boxes have no material in them at all, they are empty.

The Cow Pasture nest box is empty. It has so far fledged five bluebirds.

The nest box next to the Bungee is also empty. It had been used by chickadees who had successfully raise six young.

The Sailboat Pond nest box still has the handful of twigs placed in it more than three weeks prior. It will probably not be used by the wren who initially started it.

No nest material has been added to this wren nest at Sailboat Pond (5/17/17).
No nest material has been added to this wren nest at Sailboat Pond (5/17/17).

The Amphimeadow nest box has had pine straw and grass placed within. It may soon be the temporary home of a family of bluebirds.

A new beginning for bluebirds at Amphimeadow, perhaps (5/17/16).
A new beginning for bluebirds at Amphimeadow, perhaps (5/17/16).

Last week I noticed twigs placed in the Woodland nest box and saw and heard a house wren in the trees near the box, a good indication that a house wren was building a nest inside the box. The nest, however, has not been added to. It may go unused.

An abandoned wren nest at Woodlands nest (5/17/16).
An abandoned wren nest at Woodlands nest (5/17/16).

It’s a different story at the nest box at the Butterfly House. There’s a nearly complete nest in the nest box. But, as I’ve said before here in this blog, male house wrens may start or build several nests, but it’s the female, who arrives on the scene later than the male, who decides which nest to use, if any. She may build her own.

This wren nest is nearly complete (Butterfly House - 5/17/16).
This wren nest is nearly complete (Butterfly House – 5/17/16).

So, we have four nest boxes containing at least some nesting material (Sailboat Pond, Amphimeadow, Woodland, and Butterfly House) and two untouched nest boxes (Cow Pasture and Bungee). Two of the nests haven’t been added to in two or more weeks (Sailboat Pond and Woodland). Two nests have shown at least some activity (Amphimeadow and Butterfly House).

And, as usual, we’ll have to wait till next week to see what happens in those nest boxes.

See you then.

Ranger, Greg Dodge

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