Time of the Frogs

We’re now entering the time of the year when there are more frogs in and around the Wetlands than at any other time. With the offspring of all of the frogs and toads that bred earlier in the season now becoming frogs, the numbers may be as high as they will be for the rest of the year. That’s good, because frogs make such good photographic subjects…We’ll start with a Bullfrog.

Not a particularlly large individual, this female Bullfrog (note size of tympanum) sits on a rock near the smartweed at the end of the boardwalk in the Wetlands.
green frog
A male Green Frog calls out from the smartweed in the Wetlands (note the frog’s extended vocal sac).
green treefrog
This Green Treefrog is perched on a smartweed leaf in the Wetlands.

As you have probably noticed, the three photos above were of frogs on or around smartweed. That particular patch of smartweed is a good place to look for frogs (turtles and dragonflies too). It’s located in the water at the end of the boardwalk as you leave the Black Bear Overlook headed for the Red Wolves, look over the railing to your right.

The following photos (except two) were shot in the vegetation which borders the north side of the Wetlands, the best place to look for treefrogs at this time of year. All of the photos, (above and below) were shot on the relatively cool, overcast day of 19 August.

green treefrog
A small Green Treefrog peeks out from behind a blade of grass.
green treefrog
This Green Treefrog is perched on a Mimosa branch.
green treefrog
Green Treefrogs may be pale green to brown, this one is a very dark shade of green.
gray treefrog
A Gray Treefrog on a Dawn Redwood branch (opposite the smartweed patch). This one was spotted by Facilities Tech, Al Gustafson.
gray treefrog
A Gray Treefrog under one of the Museum’s large, green umbrellas. It was calling (note the extended vocal sac). The umbrella is in Catch the Wind.
gray treefrog
This tiny Gray Treefrog is on a birch branch (less than 3/8″ diameter).
gray treefrog
Another pose by this very cute little frog (there’s no denying that this frog is cute).

There are other frogs about, and many more to come as the eggs that are being deposited now hatch, the resulting tadpoles grow along with the various tadpoles from earlier matings, and the survivors eventually morph into frogs. I can’t wait!

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