If you’ve been to the Red Wolf Enclosure recently you may have seen our adult female lying down with her six pups on the left side of the enclosure near the base of the ridge. She has at least three favorite sites to nurse here pups. One, is in the manmade den, visible on the monitor in front of the overlook. The second, as described above, is out in the open and visible from the overlook (best seen through binocularsRead more
Posts tagged: #endangered species
Season Changes and The Wolves
Migration has been underway for several months. Most of the northern insectivorous birds have passed us by for warmer climates. The majority of our local insect-eating birds have long since departed. Some still linger, like catbird, but they’re on their way out. Granivores like juncos, white-throated sparrows and others will arrive soon. It can’t be long before the butter-butts (yellow-rumped warblers) come in. I heard a yellow-bellied sapsucker the other day. Our winter visiting hooded mergansers should arrive next month.Read more
Red Wolf Update
Our new female red wolf has arrived. She came to us from Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center in Chattanooga, TN. She is 5 years old and is part of the federal Species Survival Plan (SSP) for red wolves, one of the most endangered species in the world. Although she arrived at the Museum on Thursday evening (11/3), she is currently spending her time in the kennel area of our Red Wolf Enclosure while she becomes accustomed to the sights,Read more
Red Wolf
If you’re standing in front of the Red Wolf Enclosure when any of the Animal Keepers are in the vicinity, you may be lucky enough to get a close view of the wolves as they walk, or run, around the enclosure trying to get a glimpse of what the keepers are up to. You may witness one of the wolves climb the small dirt mound directly in front of the overlook, stop and stare out in your direction long enoughRead more