Two of our six nest boxes are active. One contains the start of a new nest, the other nestlings.
The Cow pasture nest box has the beginnings of a second house wren nest. It’s only partially completed but the wrens could be heard off in the woods nearby.
Five house wrens have already fledged from this nest box. It’s late in the season but there may be more to come.

The Explore the Wild and Into the Mist nest boxes are empty.
There are five healthy nestling bluebirds in the nest box at the Parking Deck. In a little more than a week, they may be ready to fledge.

The Woodlands nest box and Butterfly House nest box are both empty.
It would be guessing to say that the house wrens at the Cow Pasture nest will go through with what they started. So, I’ll make a guess. I predict they will NOT finish this nest and have another brood.
We’ll probably see our bluebirds at the Parking Deck one more time before they fledge.
Till next week, enjoy!