Have a Look Around

Top Photo: American robin on privet.

Here’s some things to look for while you stroll around our Outdoor Loop Trail.

American robins flock together in winter searching for food sources such as berry laden trees and shrubs.

Robins eat many different berries.

By this date last year Japanese apricot, or Chinese plum (Prunus mume) had been in bloom for two weeks. At this time in 2019 it had blossoms a week prior. It’s just now starting to come into flower this year.

Prunus mume from last year (Jan. 13, 2020).
This year’s buds.
Just about to pop.

Hermit thrushes are winter visitors.

Hermit thrush in wetlands.

Cedar waxwings can potentially be seen wherever there are berries.

Cedar waxwing approaches holly berries.

And, when you pass the bird feeders in Catch the Wind, be sure to give a look for purple finches on the feeders or nearby shrubs.

Male (left) and female purple finches at Bird Viewing Exhibit.

But, you have to be there to see these things. So, what are you waiting for, get out and have a look around!

1 response to Have a Look Around

  1. Great photos! The birds (Cedar Waxwings, Robins and even a couple of Blue birds eat the blue berries on our privet trees.) We see them each year.

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