Fuzzy-headed nestlings

I’ve posted many pictures of the Green Heron nests since their discovery in our Wetlands back in June. On Thursday (7/18), just four days ago, I happily reported that one of the eggs in one of the two nests had hatched. The following day while making my last sweep of the outdoor areas of the Museum at closing time, I stopped by the nest to see if there was any progress with the residents. I took about a dozen photos. Here’s one.

The heron on nest 1 (NS1). Note the tiny gray objects below and in front of the adult.

Need a closer look?

This somewhat grainy enlargement reveals two fuzzy little nestlings (7/19/13).

The nestlings look more like little muppets than herons, but they’ll grow quickly. In the mean time, I’m going to attempt to capture more images of the little Ardeidae.

On Saturday I noticed a bit of movement below one of the adults in the second nest (NS2), the nest near the Main Wetlands Overlook, one of their two eggs has hatched! I won’t be there to observe the happenings at the nests until a day after this posts (7/23), I expect the other egg will have hatched by then.

See you in the Wetlands!

3 responses to Fuzzy-headed nestlings

  1. Wendy says:

    Having now reread your June blog post, let me reword my question. Have you noticed the same male assisting the two females on their respective nests?

    • Greg Dodge says:

      I’m glad you brought up this subject, Wendy.
      For those who have not read the June entry to this Journal /2013/06/28/green-heron-nests-discovered-in-wetlands/ Wendy is referring to the fact that I had seen only three adults at any given time in the Wetlands and had wondered whether or not there was but one male tending to the two heron nests in our Wetlands.
      About ten days ago I saw what I thought was a fourth adult, but couldn’t be sure because I was not within sight of both nests from where I stood at the time. Since then, Ranger Rock reported to me of seeing two adults squabbling over fishing rights in one section of the Wetlands. The adults who are on the nests don’t leave the nests without another adult relieving them, especially in this heat and intense sun, so it was assumed that there were two birds on the nests and two squabblers, four birds.
      This past week I saw two birds off the nest, one preening on the far side of the water and the other fishing while two birds remained on the nests, one on each. It appears as though there are, after all, four birds.

  2. Wendy says:

    Spectacular observations, Greg! Do you think the heron families on the two nests are related?

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