Top Photo: Grasses blow in the cool wind from the floating walkway in the wetlands in Explore the Wild. Seed production and dispersal is part of fall. The seed produced by the grasses in the wetlands will carry far and wide with the help of the wind. As of November 20, there were still a few green tree frogs hanging on in Catch the Wind and Explore the Wild. They were juveniles. Alder blooms in February. The male catkins andRead more
Marbled Arachnid
Top Photo: Marbled orb-weaver negotiates the forest leaf litter. Marbled orb-weavers (Araneus marmoreous) are striking spiders. Large bright yellow or orange abdomens with hieroglyphic-like markings set it apart from the other orb-weavers out and about in the Piedmont at this time of year. They’re one of the most easily identifiable and latest, in terms of seasonality, spiders out there. I typically come across one per fall season here at the museum. Today, I saw two. Like other orb weavers theseRead more
Finding Martha: and Oka too
Top Photo: West side of red wolf enclosure. Our new resident red wolves (Martha and Oka) have come from a facility which did not have them on daily display. They’re not used to having people at front and center of their habitat. They will, I’m sure, get used to human visitors, but it may take time. Our male Oka spends most of his day sleeping on the far west side (left side) of the enclosure curled up or stretched outRead more
Colors of November: mostly leaves and fruit with a few animals mixed in
Top Photo: Hazel, or common, alder cones. From plush summer greens to fall yellows and reds, the time is upon us. We are there. Fall. Enjoy the colors while you can. Here’s what I saw while out on the loop (in no particular order). Remember, you can’t see it if you’re not there. So, what are you waiting for, go out and have a look around!Read more
An Aster, a Skipper, a Lady, and a Shrew!
Top Photo: Purple aster at the Butterfly House Garden. Purple aster is a late bloomer. As such, it attracts many late season insects to its nectar like the common checked skipper pictured here. In our area, this skipper may occasionally be seen as late as December, but certainly into mid November. As I walked into Catch the Wind, I noticed a group of about eight people smiling and laughing as they stared down at the ground near the base ofRead more
Welcome Martha and Oka
Top Photo: Martha’s first day in her new home at Museum of Life and Science. Welcome male red wolf Oka and female Martha to the museum. Both wolves, while not yet fully acclimated to their new habitat, are doing well. The pair arrived from the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY late Monday night (10/21/24) and were released into the kennel area of the enclosure. Here’s some photos to perhaps help you figure out who’s who when you stopRead more
Leaf Crunch’n
Top Photo: Sycamore, ready to crunch. It’s that time of year to think about crunching leaves. Click on the link below to see a repeat of a post from 2021 that will, hopefully, get you in the mood. It’s Crunch Time! Ranger GregRead more
Adeyha & Oak
Top Photo: Adeyha Ranger GregRead more
October Awakenings
Top Photo: Mating common snapping turtles in the spring create hatchlings for the fall (see below). Snapping turtles have a rough and tumble mating season. The choosing and sorting out of mating partners can be rather violent. But for snapping turtles it’s a necessary part of the process which occurs each spring and summer. Rest comes next for the big males. Snapping turtles leave the water infrequently and for only a very few good reasons (a basking snapping turtle isRead more