Above, the family meets for a little play time. That’s year-old red wolf 2246 relaxing on the ground while his brother 2247 towers over four of their new month-old brothers and sisters. The smallest of the litter is between 2247’s front legs. The family seems to be getting along well. Rats are a favorite food of the wolves. Though it’s early to be weaned, the new pups don’t hesitate to attempt big wolf food. They’re growing fast so if youRead more
Posts tagged: #wolf pups
More Wolf Pups
The pups are beginning to wander on their own. A long day in the wolf yardRead more
Moving Day
If you’ve been to the Red Wolf Enclosure recently you may have seen our adult female lying down with her six pups on the left side of the enclosure near the base of the ridge. She has at least three favorite sites to nurse here pups. One, is in the manmade den, visible on the monitor in front of the overlook. The second, as described above, is out in the open and visible from the overlook (best seen through binocularsRead more
18 Weeks
Today is week 18 since the red wolf pups were born here at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham NC. They’re growing rapidly and are very comfortable in their habitat. In fact, they’re so comfortable that they’ve taken over many of the male’s (dad) favorite sunning, cooling, and sleeping spots in the enclosure. One big happy family.Read more