The banner photo (top) illustrates what happens when emergency vehicles pass by the Museum, whether near or far, it’s a family howl. If you look carefully you’ll notice there are five wolves. We have six red wolves. Where’s the other pup? The missing pup is at the top of the enclosure’s ridge listening to what’s going on. She quickly joins the rest of the pack. If you’ll look below, you can count 6 wolves howling together. Below, a parting shotRead more
Posts tagged: #sap
I was standing at the Secondary Black Bear Overlook. A whiny, scratchy, mew sound was coming from the shrubs just inside the chain-link fence and to the left. I knew from the sound that it was a yellow-bellied sapsucker, but I couldn’t see the bird. The woodpecker was making quite a bit of noise, but where was it. Finally, I could see the fresh wells drilled by the bird. The wells were on the main trunk of a viburnum whichRead more
And the sap is flowing!
On Tuesday of this week I noticed a large wet area on the trunk of a Carolina Maple in Catch the Wind. That could only mean one thing, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker had been at work. This is the same maple that I mention each year around this time. It seems to be a favorite of our visiting sapsuckers and it’s easy to observe (it’s right next to the path). I’ve been keeping a casual eye on this tree but hadn’t seenRead more