A Rough Earth Snake was uncovered by Butterfly House Director Uli Hartmond as he worked on the plantings outside of the Conservatory on the 16th of February. This was the first live snake of the season. A dead Rough Earth Snake was spotted by Ranger Lew a few weeks earlier in Catch the Wind. In other herp news, I’ve heard Spring Peepers calling both last week and this week. Chorus frogs can’t be far behind.Read more
Posts tagged: #Rough Earth Snake
March 10th was the day! A little after noon I spotted the first-of-the-season Northern Water Snake coiled up under a Baldcypress at the bottom of the boardwalk in the Wetlands. The same day, Lead Animal Keeper Kristen spied a Copperhead along the path in Explore the Wild. And today, Lead Horticulturists Joe found several Rough Earth Snakes (Virginia striatula) and a Brown Snake (Storeria dekayi) under some debri at one of the Museum’s storage areas. Both of these snakes areRead more
A small Rough Snake
On October 28, as I rounded the bend in the path where it enters Catch the Wind from Explore the Wild, I noticed two women with strollers looking intently down at the ground. I couldn’t see what they were looking at but I heard the word “snake” and immediately quickened my pace. The object of their attention was a tiny brown snake, a Rough Earth Snake (Virginia striatula) to be specific. I’d run into one of these pleasant little snakesRead more