On Tuesday January 18, I noticed that the sap was flowing from a Carolina Maple in Catch the Wind. The tree is six feet or so off the path between the Vapor Rings and Mist Garden Exhibits. This tree has been the topic of previous posts. Two new sapsucker wells have been drilled into the tree and sap was flowing from the wells, covering the bark below them. There were perhaps two dozen ants crawling up and down the sap.Read more
Posts tagged: #Prenolepis imparis
Ants, Incredible Ants!
This is an ant. It’s about 3-4 mm in length. It’s walking along the handrail of the Museum’s boardwalk. Where is the ant pictured above going? Where did it come from? And, what’s so incredible about it? Warning: this is a long post, so if you don’t like ants, or reading, you may wish skip this post or just scroll through the images (but I think you should read it, it’s very interesting). As I stood on the octagonal landingRead more