A small Brown Snake delighted a group of schoolchildren as it attempted to cross the paved path just below the Lemur House. The tiny snake, unable to gain traction on the relatively smooth macadam to propel itself forward, kept sliding sideways down the path as it wriggled along in high gear. With much effort, and a little coaxing by me, it finally made it to the side of the path and disappeared into the grass. Northern Cricket Frogs are callingRead more
Posts tagged: #frog song
The Wetlands Comes Alive
Top Photo: Green frog waits for something to happen. Cricket Frogs, Bullfrogs, and Gray Tree Frogs are calling. Occasionally, a Green Frog will pluck in with its twangy, single-note call. At least four Green Tree Frogs were seen along the path between the Lemur house and Catch the Wind. Look for them low on the vegetation along the raised banks on either side of the paved path (please stay on the path). They were calling during the first few daysRead more