If you needed more proof, other than the 60 and 70 (even 80) degree weather we’ve been having, that spring has come early, here’s more evidence to the affirmative. I’ve been hearing spring peepers, upland chorus frogs, pickerel frogs, cricket frogs, and even American toads calling. And, I’ve been seeing a handful of species of butterfly fluttering about, including question mark, spring azure, American snout, sleepy orange, and falcate orangetip. The peepers and chorus frogs don’t surprise me. A couple of nightsRead more
Posts tagged: #Cricket Frog
Active Snakes and Frogs
The Wetland’s Northern Water Snakes were out and about on October 4th & 5th with at least four seen basking or hunting. Green Treefrogs are still being seen by many Museum Guests along the north side of the Wetlands. Cricket Frogs can sometimes be seen hopping along the ground throughout the Explore the Wild/Catch the Wind Loop. And of course, there’s always a few Bullfrogs to be seen in the U-shaped pond at Flap the Wings next to the OrnithopterRead more
Tiny Frogs and Basking Turtles
I continue to see a few small, newly morphed Cricket Frogs and many young Green Treefrogs along the north side of the Wetlands. If you stop and look at the tall vegetation on the right side of the path as you walk towards the Lemur House from the Wolf Overlook, you will most surely see Green Treefrogs, but you have to look! The one pictured at left was at that very location (a big yawn for such a tiny frog).Read more