Top Photo: Recently hatched eastern musk turtle. Now showing… Come on out and see for yourself! Read more
Posts tagged: #Buttercup
Avian Arrivals and Some Flowers.
Returning this week (4/17-4/24) from points south were Chimney Swift, Gray Catbird, Wood Thrush, House Wren and White-eyed Vireo, all locally nesting birds. The female Belted Kingfisher has once again made herself scarce, presumably sitting on eggs. I briefly saw the male on Friday, 23 April. Black Locust is in bloom as is Old Man’s Beard (not the guy on the left, but the tree, Fringetree). The former can be seen on the opposite side of the water from the WetlandsRead more
May Flowers
Top Photo: Blue-eyed grass. The most noteworthy flowering plants were Ox-eye Daisy, Poppy, Dame’s Rocket, Buttercup and various clovers. I also noticed Blue-eyed Grass in a few places along the path. The Black Willows in the Wetlands began dispersing their fluffy, wind-borne seeds – at times it appeared to be “snowing” willow seeds.Read more