Top Photo: Carolina saddlebags. Dragonflies and damselflies belong to an order of insect called Odonata. Dragonflies are in the suborder Anisoptera, the damsels in the suborder Zygoptera. Dragonflies usually hold their wings out to their sides when at rest. They are typically larger and bulkier than damselfies. Dragons have large compound eyes which, in many species, cover most of the head. Some species eyes only just meet at the top of the head, but still cover a large portion ofRead more
Posts tagged: #Southern Spreadwing
Dragonflies, Butterflies and a Big-eyed beetle
Top Photo: Carolina saddlebags waits for wind-borne prey. Dragonflies continue to be the main attraction on the Wetlands insect list. Green Darners, Carolina Saddlebags, Baskettails, and Common Whitetails were out in force. Variable Dancers, Skimming Bluets, and Southern Spreadwings were the most often observed damselflies from the Wetlands Overlook. Orange Bluets were seen as well. These tiny, bright orange damselflies deserve a close look. I recommend that anyone visiting our outdoor exhibits bring along binoculars. If you see me outRead more