Despite the 70 degree temps we’re experiencing, it’s February. And, what happens every February here at the Museum of Life and Science? Hazel alder blooms. The golden flecks of wind-borne pollen sail through the air from the male catkins to the upright reddish female flowers (photo above). Look for the alders on the north side of the wetlands in Explore the Wild. Each February, brown-headed nuthatches pound away on the soft wood of some recently expired black willow in ourRead more
Posts tagged: #pollen
Which Way does the Wind Blow
I was checking out the local bird listserv, Carolinabirds, and saw a posting that had a link to a web site which displays the current wind direction and speed accross the entire country (it may take a while to load). At this moment (1:10 PM 5/3/12) the winds in our area are coming from the southwest after sweeping NW across Florida, turning north across Georgia and South Carolina, and finally curving around towards the northeast in North Carolina. That same windRead more
Pollen, Pollen, Everywhere Pollen
Over the past week, you may have noticed pollen on your car, sidewalk, outdoor furniture, even inside your house! But have you noticed the pollen on… I’m not sure if our wildlife friends are bothered with allergies but in the case of the damselfly above it may cause a bit of a weight problem. Thankfully it’s raining today (3/24) and most of the pollen will be washed away.Read more