Top Photo: Immature plumaged yellow-crowned night-heron pays visit to wetlands. Night-herons have been observed in our wetlands four, perhaps, five times. All but one of those birds was a yellow-crowned night-heron (YCNH), the other, a black-crowned night-heron (BCNH). Of the YCNHs, one of them arrived in May and spent most of the 2011 summer. The other birds were only seen briefly, for one or a few days each. As you might suspect, night-herons often hunt at night and sleep awayRead more
Posts tagged: #night-heron
Night-heron Visit
A yellow-crowned night-heron showed up in the wetlands on Tuesday (8/7). One of the summer campers spotted it under the boardwalk leading to Explore the Wild. It was in immature plumage. In other words, the bird was hatched this season. It may be somewhat local. This is the second time I’ve seen a yellow-crowned night-heron here at the museum. The first time was in May of 2011 following a heavy thunderstorm. Here’s a few shots of this year’s bird. LuckyRead more
Handful of Herons
I’m sometimes asked how many species of bird I’ve seen here at the Museum. Currently, the list is over 130 species. Of those, five species have been herons, great blue heron, great egret, green heron, and black-crowned and yellow-crowned night-herons. A great blue heron, or two, can be seen in our wetlands year-round. Although some great blue herons migrate, they can be found in our area in any season. Great egrets are widespread in North Carolina but are essentially aRead more