Three Birds

On Tuesday May 3, I spotted a blue jay-size bird in a large tree overhanging the path near Catch the Wind. It was backlit, no color visible. I could tell by the way the bird moved that it was anything but a bluejay. It was motionless except for slow movements of its head. It methodically moved its head up and down, left to right, and from side to side. It was inspecting the leaves and branches for prey, caterpillars. This,Read more

The Pace Quickens

As the days pass, more and more species step in line. Plants and animals that have been waiting out the cold spring to life as the daytime temperatures hit the 70s and the nights level off in the fifties. A couple more days of chilly (not cold, but chilly) weather and it will all be behind us. Elms and Silky Willows are blooming, butterflies are emerging, and frogs and birds seem eager to get on with starting families, or atRead more