Since March 19 when I saw the first damselflies of the season emerging from the Wetlands, there have been five additional species of odonata seen. The first Common Baskettail was seen the 30th of March. Blue Corporal and Common Whitetail were both observed on the 3rd of April and a male Common Green Darner on the 7th of the month. A Lancet Clubtail was seen on the Dinosaur Trail on the 10th of April. If all of the new arrivalsRead more
Posts tagged: #Lancet Clubtail
A Busy Time for Arthropods
A large millipede (about 4 inches) was seen walking across the path in front of the Ornithopter. My best guess is that it was Narceus americanus. N. Americanus is the classic, round-in-cross-section form of millipede that’s most often encountered in our area. The other locally common millipede is about two inches in length, has a flattened, black body and yellow legs. All insects have six legs. Beyond that simple fact, the incredible array of shapes, colors and life styles ofRead more