When I checked on our green herons this past Tuesday morning (8/6) I found one leaning over a branch of its birth tree staring down at the water. Was the bird admiring its reflection or was it feeling the urge to hunt? I suspect it was watching for little minnows and tadpoles in the water below, although I could be wrong. As I walked the boardwalk to the other side of the tree its sibling was peacefully perched and staringRead more
Posts tagged: #juvenile heron
Juvenile Green Heron Works the Wetlands!
Several days ago I noticed a young Green Heron in the Wetlands. It was in juvenal plumage. When I first saw the bird it still had some downy feathers wildly protruding from its crown. It’s “do” has settled down some but it still maintains the sure signs of a recently fledged bird. We’ve had a Green Heron or two visit the Wetlands daily since mid April. Since early May I’ve seen one of these little herons fly off in the directionRead more