Red Wolf Names and Family Fun

Top Photo: From left to right, Adeyha, Cedar, Juniper, Oak, Sassafras, Maple (or it could be). The photo above depicts the two parent red wolves here on exhibit, Adeyha and Oak, and all but one of the pups born April 21, 2024 at the museum (the fifth pup is off to the side). And thanks to you who voted for them, the pups now have names. Cedar Juniper Maple Sassafras Tupelo I for one cannot distinguish who is who amongRead more

Paper Wasp, Caterpillars, and Butterflies

Top Photo: Paper wasp investigates fall webworms’ protective “tent.” Fall webworms (Hyphantria cunea) are already forming their protective webs in some of the trees here at the museum. The webs, or tents, are full of caterpillars who spend their lives inside the web, never venturing out to eat. The webs cover the area in which the caterpillars are feeding. The larvae only come out when its time to pupate in the leaf liter, the soil, or cracks and crevices inRead more

More Cedar Berries

  The cedar trees which line the fence at the Red Wolf Overlook have been, and still are, prolific in berries. The birds have noticed. This is a good spot to stand by and watch the avian parade. The birds move around in loose, mixed flocks searching for forage. And here, they have found what they were looking for. Most of the birds are migrants who will most likely spend the winter with us, if they don’t move further south laterRead more