Top Photo: Hermit thrush inspects sumac seeds for possible consumption. While walking the outdoor loop through Explore the Wild and Catch the Wind, it’d be worth your while to keep an eye out for what’s around you. Winter residents, hermit thrushes eat fruit, seeds, and invertebrates when available. Some trees retain the seeds they produced during the growing season until well into the winter, even within the same species. Most white ash trees typically disperse their seeds in fall. SomeRead more
Posts tagged: #fruit
A Few Winter Sightings
Top Photo: Bullfrog tadpoles react to disturbance in the water. In our area, bullfrogs may take 9 to 12 months to mature and become frogs. It may take much longer, perhaps two or even three years, in areas with cooler temperatures and shorter growing seasons. But here, in central North Carolina the bullfrogs that hatched from eggs this summer will become frogs next summer. During winter the bullfrogs tend to congregate in the shallow, muddy water on the north sideRead more
Persimmon Update!!!
I’m no expert on this, but it looks to me like the persimmons just outside the door of the Main Building, leading to Loblolly Park, are ready for picking. If I’m wrong, let me know! The fruit, for the most part, is still clinging to the tree, but I found several on the ground, mashed by hundreds of little feet as they play in the park. So, if there were any of you reading this who, in the recent past,Read more