Tres Orugas Camufladas (Three Camouflaged Caterpillars)

Caterpillars are consumed by everything from wasps, birds, and even people. It’s in their best interest to conceal themselves from potential predators. Three caterpillars that do their best at making themselves invisible are acitve now. All are moth larvae. If you know their language, where and when to look for them, they can be spotted fairly easily. The first, the Common Pug (Eupithecia miserulata) can be found on herbaceous flowers growing along the pathways in Catch the Wind. We’ve seen theRead more

Three at Once

There are many early blooming trees and shrubs in our area but to many folks Eastern Redbud, Flowering Dogwood and Wisteria are what they look for in spring. Of the big three, redbud typically comes into flower first, followed by dogwood and then wisteria. This year the big three are all in bloom at the same time! It seems as though the cold of February and much of March held back the redbud, and the atypically warm April (although todayRead more