Top Photo: Two adult red-tailed hawks silhouetted against the clouds as they soar above Butterfly House. Note that each bird is molting. The two red-tailed hawks above successfully nested on the museum grounds. They’re regular nesters. I rarely see eastern cottontails on our 84 acre campus, until this year. I’ve seen more this spring and summer than I have in perhaps the last 14 years of hiking the museum’s trails. Predator numbers must be down. Besides the red-tailed hawks above,Read more
Posts tagged: #diurnal
We all know that possums, or o’possums if you like, share the land with us. Whether it’s the tracks in the mud along the creek, the overturned garbage cans behind the house, or their bright red eyeshine in our headlights as we drive down the road at night, we know they’re out there shuffling around in the dark. But, we don’t often see them out and about during the daylight hours. Today, one apparently young possum was caught out inRead more