Some Outdoor Goings-on

Top Photo: Two adult red-tailed hawks silhouetted against the clouds as they soar above Butterfly House. Note that each bird is molting. The two red-tailed hawks above successfully nested on the museum grounds. They’re regular nesters. I rarely see eastern cottontails on our 84 acre campus, until this year. I’ve seen more this spring and summer than I have in perhaps the last 14 years of hiking the museum’s trails. Predator numbers must be down. Besides the red-tailed hawks above,Read more


I’ve seen flycatchers here at the Museum before but except for the Eastern Phoebes and Great-crested Flycatchers that nest here every year, they were passing migrants. What I saw last Saturday was a group of what I think were two or three empidonax flycatchers. “Whoa, what’s an empidonax flycatcher?” Empidonax flycatchers (empids) are a group of rather small birds with brown-green plumage, light colored eye rings, and whitish wing bars that are often difficult to tell apart except by voiceRead more